FISA Group is 40 years old
FISA designs, manufactures, and sells ultrasonic cleaning and surface treatment technologies for high-tech industries such as Medical, Optics or Aeronautics.
Last month we celebrated our 40th anniversary, and we invite you to discover, or rediscover in this video, what makes the strength of our group today :
“Durante un volo da Milano a Parigi ho inventato alcuni nomi senza un significato particolare, ma nomi brevi e facili. All’arrivo a Parigi a Daniel piacque e subito FISA che poi piacque anche a Giuseppe.”
(Ettore Alagna, Founder FISA Group)
“Uno dei nostri primi prodotti è stato l’R10 che permette di rendere automatiche delle macchine in modo semplice. Questo è stato un successo che ci ha consentito di venderne centinaia di pezzi ad un nostro concorrente americano.”
(Giuseppe Marolda, Founder FISA Group)
“We partner with manufacturers of medical devices. We can bring them : – 40 years of expertise – All the equipments such as ultrasounds, robotics, software, demineralized water production stations – Laboratory capabilities including a clean room – Manufacturing standards that fit the constraints of the medical industry, whether for mid or final-stage cleaning process. Our methodology allows us to meet the requirements of regulatory bodies for medical devices, in compliance with the industry standards and according to the IQ/OQ/PQ qualification protocol. One of our strengths is also the ability to integrate complementary solutions such as anodization, metal passivation or electro-polishing.”
(Stéphane Caudron, Sales Director FISA France)
“FISA can offer customized solutions in all segments of the optical industry: from technical optics to eyewear, from prescription lenses to solar filters, from sport masks to protection goggles. We cover all the lens production processes: cleaning casting molds, cleaning after surfacing, cleaning before vacuum deposition and also applying anti-scratch and anti-fog coatings by dip or by flow coating. We believe in automation and we can offer integrated solutions for the small optical laboratory as well as automatic lines for mass production with high productivity and stable quality.”
(Francesco Bertoja, General Manager FISA Italy)
“Despite the industry trend in favor of piezoelectric ultrasound technologies, FISA has always maintained and improved its magnetostrictive ultrasound. This unique honeycomb structure of pure nickel strips has established FISA’s reputation and leadership in a market segment named mold cleaning. In fact, our powerful and reliable technology has convinced thousands of toolroom managers around the world to clean their molds and dies for plastic, rubber, light alloys as well as glass foundries applications.”
(Marco Höfler, General Manager FISA Germany)
“The international dimension is part of FISA’s DNA and we are now present in Europe, America and Asia. FISA Iberica has been active in Spain and Portugal since 1989. In addition, we contribute to develop, with our colleagues of FISA North America, the Mexican market where we earned a leadership position with more than 150 cleaning and coating installations.”
(Eduardo Cerrato, Sales Director FISA Spain)
“Thanks to more than 110 people working in subsidiaries located in the major industrialized countries, FISA develops industrial partnerships with local or international companies looking for turnkey solutions. Because we master the technologies we provide, as well as the chemistry associated with our processes, we can meet ever more demanding customers in terms of efficiency, reliability, connectivity, but also respect for the environment and the people.”
(Philippe Vaudeleau, Chief Executive Officer FISA Group)
“FIMM started its activity at the beginning of the 90s, offering a global solution which combined the machine and the products. For 30 years, relying on this concept of turnkey solutions, FIMM has therefore grown up first in France, then in Germany, Switzerland and the rest of the world. During this period, our customers’ requirements have evolved, and today our activity largely consists in providing technical assistance to the cleaning processes already in place. But I would say that what is most rewarding is the great loyalty of our customers: some have been working with FIMM since the beginning, that is to say 30 years ago.”
(Philippe Onillon, General Manager FIMM Group)
“FISA Manufacturing opera in due stabilimenti. Qui ci troviamo in quello dove avvengono le attività di montaggio e collaudo oltre alla produzione di tutti gli apparati elettronici che costituiscono il cuore tecnologico degli impianti FISA. 3 anni fa con un importante investimento abbiamo realizzato il nuovo sito produttivo della carpenteria in cui si sviluppano tutte le attività per la realizzazione delle strutture metalliche in FISA Manifacturing sono impiegate quasi 65 persone che rappresentano la risorsa principale: il nostro capitale umano.”
(Michele Pogliani, General Manager FISA Manufacturing)
“Qui in FISALabs progettiamo tutti i nostri prodotti più complessi sia l’hardware che il software. Io ai miei collaboratori chiedo sempre di tenere presente la nostra storia per continuare a realizzare prodotti di eccellenza. Ma anche di guardare avanti per renderli a prova di futuro, per esempio implementando le tecnologie abilitanti come Industria 4.0, come l’accesso al Cloud o l’uso di robot collaborativi.”
(Massimo Marolda, Director FISALabs)
“I am proud to have led the FISA Group since 2003. I have confidence in our individual and collective ability to meet challenges and increase our leadership position in the markets we serve. This requires substantial investments, both human and material, in order to develop our skills and know-how. Digitization, Industry 4.0, CSR, are just some of the projects that we have already undertaken and that we will push forward in the years to come.”
(Philippe Vaudeleau)
FISA, 24 Gennaio 2022